We use digital fencing, GPS technology and 3rd-party voter data to place your ads on the smartphones of the voters you want to engage in your campaigning area.

Target segmented voters by location:

Zip Code | District | City | County | State


Strategic Location: Fairs | Campuses Stadiums | Events

Voter Segments

All Democrats
Boomer Democrats
Voters in Dem-leaning County
Frequent Primary Voter
Presidential Voter
Whole Household
Dem High Dollar Donor
Online Democratic Donor

All Independent Voters

Persuadable Republicans
“Soft” Republican Voters
Lean Republican
MOR Republican
Left-leaning Republican
Fiscally Liberal Lean Republican
Socially Liberal Lean Republican
Independent, leans Republican

Creative: 2-4 slide GIFs in a variety of sizes.


You do what you do best, mobilize your supporters, raise funds, talk to the voters. Leave the digital to us, Digital4Dems.



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